The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

13 Feb. Sat. (Editor’s Note: Richard’s half-birthday (turned 6 months old today)). 14 Feb. Sabbath. Cloudy - but pleasant. Susie here with Richard and his Mother. Mr. Mac and Paul and Mrs. H___ and I over at the church. Sermon by Homer - text “But Jesus said unto them, they need not depart; give ye them to eat.” Homer preached well today. Had more love and kindness in his sermons than normal. When we came home dinner was ready. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hussenheimer(?) and Hubert called and Mr. Mac and I went with them to the Simpson Auditorium to hear Rev. B. Fary Mill Sr(??) His theme - Christ relation to us socially. The house crowded - it is quite a gloomy evening. Homer did not go to the Sun C. E. this evening, or more of us there. Paul was at Sabbath School this morning and he led the Jr. C. E. this afternoon. We _?__ a dispatch from Kansas City this evening. Uncle(?) John MacMillan died yesterday - the 13th - His remains will be taken to Bloomington __?__ to their old home. Fred is in Kansas City - He sent us the dispatch. He will go with the folks to the funeral. I am glad he is with them. 15 Feb. Monday (Editor’s Note: Martha receives a letter from Wilmington about a serious sickness that Aunt Mary Eliza has. She also says “the papers full of the Russian and Japan war these days.”) 16 Feb. Tuesday (Editor’s Note: More rain) Mark Hanna is dead. He died at his apartments at the Arlington Hotel at 6:40 O’clock last night of Typhoid Fever after a sickness of two weeks. He was a native of _(this is left blank)__ and in the 67 year of his age. But the world still moves just the same. The lesson is no one need attach too much importance to themselves. This has been a day of rain and solid gloom without - but everything lovely within. Susie here today as usual. 17 Feb. Wednesday (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac helps out at church where they are working on a parsonage.) 18 Feb. Thurs. (Editor’s Note: Martha and Mr. Mac (possibly more) ate a fish dinner at a house by the sea then sat on the beach for a while. Martha receives a fourth prescription from Dr. Hunt. On the way back they went through Hollywood (but spelled it with an “i.”) 194