The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

19 Feb. Friday (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac and Homer were helping Dr. Boyd house-hunt. Later Homer and Mary “took a car ride for their health.”) 20 Feb. Sat. Most a lovely day like a June day at home. While we are having this kind of weather they all have cold and sleet and snow. Let us count our mercies. All of us, Mr. Mac, and Busy(?) this A.M. Susie home at the work - Another mercy to count, one which I never forget to be thankful for. This afternoon Mr. Mac and Paul up in the city - visited the shoe store for pants(?) beautiful(?). Later on Homer and Richard and his Mother and Mrs. Hunt and I took a long car ride; went to the end of the car line at Washington St. We went on Several other streets also did not return ‘till after four. This evening much to our comfort we are here alone. 21 Feb. Sabbath. Quite a beautiful day. Paul at Sabbath school and church. Mr. Mac and Mary and I (?) Homer preached text “And he, Jotham did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father Uzziah did: howbeit he entered not unto the temple of the Lord. And the people did yet corruptly.” He preached well today - and with power(?) Had quite a good Audience. Mrs. Hunt on the sick list with a bad tooth. She remained at home with Richard. Susie here as usual. This afternoon Paul at the Jr. C. E. At the __?_ __?__ the rest of us at home and in the evening too. 22. Feb. Monday. This is Washington’s Birthday. The School closed this A.M. Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer up in the city. Paul got a dress suit. All of them home at noon. Mrs. Hunt and Mary at Mrs. Dr. Kerrs at lunch - twelve the hour. Susie and I here with Richard. Mr McDonough here planting trees(?). He was here to lunch. After Mrs. Hunt and Mary returned, Homer and Mary made several calls. Mrs. Hunt at the dentists this A.M. and still in not a very good condition tonight. __?__ a letter from Fred giving an account of Uncle John McMillan’s death and funeral. 23 Feb. Tuesday. A balmy June day - but still it is mid-winter - and winter back at home in Ohio. Mr. Mac and Homer up in town at the Bank this A.M. Mrs. Hunt in quite a sad state with her teeth - has been on the sick list all of last night and today. Paul at School, Homer out in town this P.M. again. Susie off duty today. Mary and I in charge - Richard is the principle star and attracts us all. This afternoon Miss Hopkin(?) called. After Six O’Clock Mr. Mac and Homer out to call on a friend on the other St. Paul at the Shoe Shop after dark. This seems like a long June day. 195