The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

24. Feb. Wed. Another beautiful day. Mr. Mac and Homer left on the early train for Downing and took a little walk(?) out to the home of Mr. ___?___ and took dinner there and quite a pleasant visit with the family. They found Mr. __?___ and wife and two daughters at home. Paul at School - Mrs. H and Richard and his Mother and I here alone. Susie here and got breakfast but not being well went back home for the day. This afternoon Miss Lawrence, one of the company on the tourist(?) called - Also Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Hunt still in a miserable condition with her ulcerated tooth. Mr. Mac and Homer returned about three - Homer left for Santa Monica about four. Paul at the Shoe Shop, then he went up to the city library and got a book. Richard not well last night or today with a sore mouth. Another tooth Co_?_ing. Homer came back after eight. 25 Feb. Dark and cloudy ‘till noon when the sun came out. Mr. Mac over at the Shoe shop this P.M. Homer took Mrs. Hunt up to the dentists. She had the tooth __?___ - She feels a little more comfortable - This afternoon Mr. Mac and Homer left for Pasadena and visited Dr. Patterson. This afternoon I left here in good faith to attend the Women’s Missionary Society at Ramsey Church but when I reached there found the door locked. I was one week ahead of time as it is next week it meets. I then turned my foot and went to the Ramsey Mansion to call. I only found Marth(?) at home but had a pleasant hour with her. I just reached home a few minutes before Mr. Mac and Homer came. Paul at School today. Susie here. 26 Feb. Friday. Cloudy most of the A.M. This afternoon sunshine. Mr. Mac and Homer up town this afternoon. Home in time for lunch - left quietly afterwards for Santa Monica - expected(?) to go by boat to Lake Side to visit Mr. Mc_?__. I took a little trip across the city and made a call at Mrs. W. M. Crabbe’s(?) and Rev. and Mrs. Alfords had a delightful call at both places. (smudged word here) I came out on the car with Mr. Hussenheimer this evening, did not get home ‘till near _?_ we miss Mr. Mac and Homer already. It seems lonely around this cottage this evening. 27. Feb. Saturday. Cloudy this morning. Paul at the Shoe Shop and the library this P.M. Near noon the rain began falling and it rained almost constantly today and __?__ __?__ __?__ tonight. We have had a very quiet day indeed. All the outside world shut out on account of rain fall. 196