The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Susie was absent yesterday afternoon but here today the morning before that came in from _?_ has a notice in it of the death of Mr. S. K. Mitchel. He died quite suddenly last Sabbath morning - He was 82 years old. Mrs. Hunt’s Calenders(?) paper had an account of the sad death of Mr. Hugh Huntington - He had been in the state hospital for a few months. On last Monday morning he was found lying across his bed dead. He had been choked to death as the finger marks of the murderer was seen on his throat - One of the inmates in his ward confessed to having choked him. His family in Columbus was notified and after the coroners exam - _?_ his body was taken to his late home. The next day short services were held and his body was taken to the old Cemetery at Clifton(?) - and layed away in the old family lot. For a change Mary and I have sent letters out to Lake(?) side to Father and Homer this evening. Richard has been on the move all day. Mrs. H, feeling very much recovered. 28 Feb. Sabbath Bright and fair after the rain. Susie here. Mrs. Hunt taking care of Richard. Mary at Bethany Church. Rev. Brown preached. Paul and I took advantage of Homer’s absence and we went across the city to Rev. Ramsey’s church - We re’d [probably short for received] a cordial greeting there from the brethren. Rev. Ramsey’s subject - the two builders - One who built upon the Solid Rock - the other upon the Sand. The house built upon the Sand was a beautiful Structure but when the Storm and tempest began raging - it failed him at the hour when needed most and the house and builder and all who took refuge in it were swept away - but not so with the man who builded upon the Rock - The Storm and the tempest also came down upon him - but his house and all who took refuge within were safe, for it fell not for it was built upon the rock. We reached home in due time. We have had pleasant Sabbath afternoon and evening here. Paul at the C. E. this P.M. Since receiving the news of Mr. Huntington’s tragic death - it has cast a gloom over us. When Mr. Ramsey was preaching today I could see the necessity of our building upon the rock, for there is not any escaping, for the storm will come and beat upon us all. 29 Feb. Monday Bright and Fair. Paul at School today. Mrs. H and Mary serving. Susie here. (Editor’s Note: Martha attends a Baptist Church and goes to a Purity conference there.) March 1 March Tues. What a delightful day - all “lamb” here and no “lion” in this beautiful land. (Editor’s Note: Martha receives a letter from Mr. Mac and Homer who are out of town for a bit.) 197