The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

10 March Thurs. (Editor’s Note: A hairdresser came to visit and dressed the hair of Mrs. Hunt, Mary, and Martha.) One thing I will note here - Miss Haines in talking on the events in her life said - “Let God - Let Him work for you and in you - He can do it all, only let Him.” 11. March Friday (Editor’s Note: The Alfords moved to Long Beach today, and Martha was sad to see them go.) 12 March Sat. (Editor’s Note: They visited the Alfords in their new house, and Martha met a woman who is in Temperance work. She was also in the UK for several years, which fascinates Martha.) 13 March Sabbath (Editor’s Note: Normal day at church; Homer spoke again.) 14 March Monday (Editor’s Note: Homer and Mr. Mac went to Pasadena to see a Specialist. Martha and Mr. Mac took a walk to a local drugstore. Mary was not feeling well that night.) 15 March Tues. (Editor’s Note: Normal day; Mary still “on the sick list”.) 16 March Wed. (Editor’s Note: They receive a sale bill from Clayton, which is apparently something new in their history. A doctor visits and diagnoses Mary with Measles.) 17 March Thurs. Bright Sunshine - but a cool air stirring. Paul at School - Homer in his study most of the day. I(?) out among the folks an hour or so - Mary still suffering Dr. Hunt here to see her this PM. Miss Haines the hairdresser here and worked on Mrs. H.’s hair. (Editor’s Note: a couple indecipherable crossed out and written over words here). She also shampooned (that’s how she spelled it) Paul’s. Richard misses his Mother - and we tried to make up the loss. Mr. Hussenheimer(?) moving into their open(?) rooms today. (Editor’s Note: the following sentence was later crossed out) Dr. Hunt here this afternoon again. 18 March Friday (Editor’s Note: Mary still very sick. The doctor came and visited her and also gave some medicine to Martha as well. Not many visitors because people know there are measles in the house.) 199