The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

April 1 April Friday (Editor’s Note: Martha got four teeth pulled.) These were the last of their “race.” Yes these were the last - I have not another tooth left now. I am planning for a new set. (Editor’s Note: Paul went to the drugstore to get medicine for Richard. More people went to the Campbell meeting that night.) 2 April Saturday. (Editor’s Note: Normal day, though Richard is still sick) 3 April Easter Sunday. A very beautiful day indeed. Mrs. Hunt went to the Campbell Morgan meeting but the crowd so immense did not get very near the speaker. Susie here Paul here with Richard and his Mother while Mr. Mac and I went to Bethany church. Homer preached. His text - “He is not here; for He has risen, as he said” Jesus told the disciples that he would rise on the third day - but they did not seem able to believe it. This promise brings with it the assurance of immortality - Everything seems to be pointing to eternity. Homer preached a grand sermon on Christ and the resurrection today But he seemed so weary, so languid, I thought he needed “to go apart into a desert place to rest awhile” for the work is certainly too much for him these days. This afternoon Paul at the young folks meeting up in the city addressed by Campbell Morgan. Morgan has his last meeting tonight but Richard is so very sick no one feels like attending - there is not any doubt as to him having the measles - for he is covered with them from head to foot. I never saw a stricken boy. The measles are serving him badly. Dr. Hunt here tonight. 4 April Monday (Editor’s Note: Paul is back at school now. Richard seems much better now.) On account of the measles the “folks are little shy” about coming around here. 5 April Tues. (Editor’s Note: Martha still sore from having teeth pulled. Dr. Hunt says that Richard is “on the fair way to recovery.” Later, Mr. Mac, Paul, and Martha go to choose new shades for the windows.) 6 April Wed. (Editor’s Note: Martha goes with Mr. Mac to the dentist, where he gets a tooth and a couple roots taken out. Then he gets an impression made for a new set of teeth.) 202