The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

7 April Thurs. (Editor’s Note: Martha, Mr. Mac, and Mrs. Hunt all to town, where they then all split up and go different ways. Martha goes to a meeting of the M. M. Society.) 8 April Friday. Warm. Homer went to Pasadena to the Dr.s this morning. Mr. Mac and I at Dr. Lowder’s. I got my new set of teeth. We were all home to lunch. Paul at school, Susie here, Homer around this P.M. 9 April Sat. Quite a warm day. Paul left early this morning and met Mrs. Alford and her son and went with them to Mt. Lowe. Mrs. H. left the boys and returned on the next train. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. J. S. Hunt of Santa Monica and Henrietta were there too; but the boys never met them ‘till in the afternoon. They came in about six. We were all glad to see Mrs. H., but I believe Richard was simply delighted. It has been very warm today. 10 April Sabbath (Editor’s Note: Someone else preached for Homer that day) For a change I went to the Temple Baptist Church and heard “Bob” or Robert A. Burdette(?), the pastor. His text: “If ye know these things happy are ye if you do them. It is the things we do that make us what we are.” The house was full, the sermon all right I think. 11 April Monday. (Editor’s Note: normal day at the start. Then Paul went with Mr. Bryson to the Birminey(?) Bath. Martha finished reading Ramona by Helen Jackson) This was Paul’s birthday. We must not forget that. 12 April Tuesday. (Editor’s Note: Mrs. Hunt left to go home to Columbus in the afternoon. For some reason Homer received a bouquet of flowers from the ladies in the church.) Mr. Mac got his new set of teeth - a full set. Surely it is the unexpected that happens. 13 April Wed. (Editor’s Note: Paul had the day off from school today, due to it being the “teachers visiting day.” Homer went to a meeting of the Presbytery in Pasadena.) Everything lovely. 14 April Thurs. (Editor’s Note: Martha met with the church Organist and her son and Mrs. Pillcrist. Mrs. Pillcrist told her about the Missionary meeting where they talked about “The Inheritance of the Saints.”) 203