The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

15 April Friday. (Editor’s Note: Rev. and Mrs. Beachy(?) stopped by to see Homer. Mr. Mac and Martha went to the dentist again to get their new teeth “set right.” ) 16 April Saturday. (Editor’s Note: Mary left home for the day and made a purchase [though it is not stated what]. Richard was good while she was gone.) 17 April Sabbath. (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac, Martha, and Paul went to Ramsey’s church. Paul went to the young folk’s meeting afterwards. At a different meeting, the text was on “the Spirit”.) “The Spirit of Man is the lamp of Jehovah.” Our Spirits are God-given. We are connected to heaven. We get our life from God. We also get our light from Him. When God touches our Spirits we become lamps of God. All are fitted to become lamps of His. Are you lighted and shining out for God? Are you a lamp for Jehovah? Our trouble is there as a great darkness and more light is needed. Christians receive their light from Jesus Christ. He is the light of the world. The question comes home to each one. Is your lamp lighted? Sometimes it burns but dimly. That means that more prayer and more of the light of God’s Spirit is needed. Homer and Mary and Richard here while we were away. 18 April Monday. (Editor’s Note: Homer had dinner with another pastor. Mr. Mac, Martha, and Paul went out to Spring St. for the evening. Martha later received her 8th supply of medicine. Homer talked to Rev. Boyd for a bit in the evening.) 19 April Tuesday. (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac went to the shoe shop, later he went with Homer to the city. While out he met Fred Smith, who has been doing a large amount of travelling throughout the country. He invited Mr. Mac and Martha to dinner.) 20 April Wed. (Editor’s Note: Martha left Richard with Susie and Mary, then went with Mr. Mac to meet Mr. Fred Smith at a hotel. Later, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Adams came by and brought flowers. Paul went to a prayer meeting in the evening.) 204