The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

25 April Monday (Editor’s Note: Communion continued on to Monday in church as well. After the service Mr. Mac gave Rev. Ramsey a $5 gold piece as a donation. The rest of the day was fairly normal.) 26 April Tuesday (Editor’s Note: Martha and Mr. Mac decided to stay in California another month longer. Everyone else had a normal day.) 27 April Wed (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac spent more time with Mr. Fred Smith in Santa Monica. Someone from Immanuel church came and visited for lunch. Mr. Mac went to the barber.). 28 April Thurs. (Editor’s Note: Martha and Mr. Mac went to the Dentist again that morning, then went to get dinner with Mr. Fred Smith, only to find that he was out of town. They took a walk, then called the hotel again, but he was still gone, so they left a card for him. Martha comments that the city is beautiful when the moon shines on it.) A letter here from Clayton which seems to cheer up some of the folks. 29 April Friday. (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac went once more to find Mr. Fred Smith, and he was there this time, so they had dinner. Some of them stopped to see the new parsonage again, which has been furnished by Mrs. Hunt’s donated blinds. Paul went to a “Pie Social” at church in the evening.) 30 April Sat. A lovely day. Mr. Mac and I at Santa Monica I called at Dr. J. S. Hunt’s office and got the ninth supply of medicine for myself - I also got a prescription filled for Paul. We spent a little while on the beach - had dinner there. We came home by Ocean Park and stopped off at Broadway Dept. Store as we came home - and passed on to Spring St. and called at the Nadean house but Mr. Fred Smith was not in. Homer was out in the city too but we all reached home in time for supper. Susie here. Miss Messenhimer and Hubert here this P.M. Richard being entertained by his Mother and Uncle Paul. 206