The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

23 Nov. Sat. Morning. Jane called - James busy with his sheep and the colored man who is to occupy Coon’s house brought a load of corn over. Noon. Joe Caldwell here for dinner. Afternoon Cristie hauling wood. Dave and James husking corn. Eve. James and Dave at C - Bob and I here alone (57). 24 Nov. Sabbath. James and I at church. Carlo went with us (57). 25 Nov. Monday. Damp and cool. Bob took the carriage down for Jane. Making apple butter. Afternoon. Bob rode out to the carpet weavers. Edgeworth and Jane with us tonight. Edgeworth here for supper (57). 26 Nov. Tuesday. Cloudy and chilly. After breakfast - Edgeworth went to C - Fast? John McMillan called. Jane still here helping me finish the butter. Mrs. G - and her beautiful grandchildren here for dinner. Afternoon - Jane dressing turkeys for market. James at C - John Hampills? old farmer and at our house. Eve - Edgeworth here for supper. Jane went to spend the night at Mrs. G’s (58). 27 Nov. Wednesday. Rain. Jane, Mrs. Galbreath and I at Xenia. I spent the great part of the day at JC’s. I was quite wet coming home. James at Cedarville, Clifton and John Forbes. Took dinner at Riley C’s (58). 28 Nov. Thursday. Thanksgiving day. James and I at U.P. church. Mr. Morton preached. Took dinner at Mothers. Rachel there also, She put her name to that deed this afternoon. James and I drove out to fathers stayed about half an hour - ? ? in C- tonight (58). 29 Nov. Friday. Morning rain, continued till dinner. Forenoon. Sam here with James remained till after dinner. Bob and I washing. Afternoon turned to snow. James at C - did not return till after night. A dutchman with us tonight. he came along after dark, asked for shelter so we took him in (59). 30 Nov. Sat. Concluded to keep the dutchman for a while on trial. Morning. James at C - Afternoon. Dave left us. James has been gone all day did not return till five. Been quite busy putting away my ?. Eve - Our dutchman quite unwell (59). December 1 Dec. Sabbath. Quite cold and has been ever since Friday eve. The dutchman quite sick all last night. James and I were up with him till 12 o’clock. We fixed up the lounge for him in the dining room this morning so we could keep him warm. Did not go to church till the afternoon and then 23