The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

morning— went down to mother’s for dinner and left on the noon train for Xenia— Quite a frost on last night which layed [sic] the flowers low. Eve., all at home— 10 Oct. Sat. Pleasant. James and I at preaching— left Fannie with Mrs. Cristie— Sermon Rev. J.Y. Boyer?— ? Mary Ann McMillan at church— She had just returned from visiting Riley and Annie McMaster. The three colored men left this P.M. Mellissa ironing ? -- All of us at home this eve— 11 Oct. Sabbath. Quite pleasant. This is the day of our communion— Sermon this A.M. Rev. J.Y. Boyer— This afternoon we had the Lord’s Supper-- Eve Sister Mary came home with us. At seven this eve, Sister Mary and James went back to church— Sermon J.Y. Boyer— Baby Fannie and George and I at home— Melisa and her girl went over to Clifton today, have not returned yet. 12 Oct. Monday. Pleasant. Cristie sowing Timothy seed. George out at the barn? Cattling [sic]— ? called and settled with James this morning— James and I at church— left Fannie with Mrs. Cristie—Quite a number of children baptized this morning. Sermon by Rev J.Y. Boyer. Dr. D.K.? Caldwell’s received a daughter into their family this morning— After preaching I called there and remained for dinner— James took dinner at Mother Mc.’s with J.O. Williams’ son and family. As we came home, we called around to see Flora Shearan? and partly? engaged her to come and work for us. Sister Jane came home with us— She is helping us me nurse, ? C ?. Eve. James up at Jonathan Smith’s. 13 Oct. Tues. Quite pleasant. Jane over with Old Polly and the carriage at Brigham Harbison’s for apples for butter-- This is the day of the elections of State officers. Sam Galbreath and James out at H.H. McMillan’s at the very enterprising business of putting up one of those good for nothing Edgeworth patent hay forks on trial— What a speculation! How little! How insignificant! For men who have farms to ? and stock to attend too, to be engaged in any such business. Took dinner there and in the P.M. went to Xenia. Old Col. Marth from Eli Wright’s house helping me today. Jonathan Smith called this P.M. and took Cristie down to vote. Eve— Sister Jane came back & with us tonight— James did not get home till after eight. 14 Oct. Wed. Quite gloomy. Sister Jane helping me make pumpkin butter— Old Marth here helping in the kitchen dept. James over at the ? farm— called at father’s— took supper at bro John’s. 15 Oct. Thurs. Still very gloomy. Our pet Squirrel died on last night. Henry Townsby took his cattle away this A.M. Old Marth here today. Sister Jane helping me with my apple butter. This A.M. James called at Dave Barber’s. This P.M. he called at Mother’s. After his ?, he & sister Jane and Fannie and I went down to C-. I called to see Jennie Caldwell. We took supper at 40