The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Works Cited Cane, Aleta Feinsod and Susan Alves. “American Women Writers and the Periodical: Creating a Constituency, Opening a Dialogue.” “The Only Efficient Instrument”: American Women Writers & The Periodical, 1837-1916. Eds. Cane and Alves. U of Iowa P: Iowa City, 2001. Print. Kirkland, Caroline. “Literary Women.” A New Home, Who’ll Follow? Ed. Sandra A. Zagarell. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990. 191-201. Print. Melnyk, Julie. “Emma Jane Worboise and "The Christian World Magazine": Christian Publishing and Women's Empowerment.” Victorian Periodicals Review 29.2 (1996). The John Hopkins UP. 131-145. Web. 21 March 2015. Sorby, Angela. “Wrote "Rock Me to Sleep"? Elizabeth Akers Allen and the Profession of Poetry.” Modern Language Quarterly 72.3 (2011). Uof Washington. 419-438. Web. 21 March 2015. Trela, D.J. “Nineteenth Century Women and Periodicals.” Victorian Periodicals Review 29.2 (1996). The John Hopkins UP. 89-94. Web. 20 March 2015. 53