Cedarville College Memorabilia

GREEK . Yt1u ·an hl'( omc acquainted with a ra ' by ,tudying it· language, ·u. tom , and law . , 1 o p, ,pie are too inferior to intcrc ta lover of mankind. There are. om·, who from their inherent trait. and influen e in the world, are ,o upcrior a to com– mand our admiration and all for our worthi t con ideration. Su h were the ,reek . I- it military prowe that charm you? Then read of Marathon and Thermopylae and he content Your ideal may be in art rather than in the force of arm . Then go tucly yon culpturing of Phidia and know that to a Greek belong the honor of the world' ma ter arti t. But if hu handry with it peaceful toil holds, read and learn that in The aly were the riche t farm , finest horse , and brave t · omanry of all age . Commerce, that godde of merican thought and effort, had her greatest hrine in Corinth. then wa an epitome of the world in men, buildings, amu ement , occupation , courage, learning, wisdom, and religion. \\'hat other nation of ancient, mediaeval, or modern times can pre ent a Ii t like thi : Homer, ocrate , Herodotu , Plato, ri totle, Xenopbon, Demo thene , Sap– pho, Phidia , Solon, Thale and other equally worthy hut too numerou to men– tion? Only one of like territory ha approached and that i England, hut even he ha come far hort. It is univer ally admitted that the Greek for all time thus far are first in letter , art , war, learning and the accomplishment of all that make a people truly grand and great. They give place to the Hebrews in only one thing- religion, and eycn in that they had evolved the greatest mythology ever horn of human mind. To know the Greek properly one must tudy their language and literature. lt is a language and literature dead only to the man without a oul. The language .i the basis oCthe Latin and the outgrowths thereof. It has penetrated and become the life and power through Latin as a channel the leading tongues and literature of the world. One, who would unravel the mysterie of the X ew Testament and revel in it sweet delight , mu t bt a master of Greek. Greek unlock the secret door the nomenclature of science . Greek sparkles the most resplendent in the gems of our literature. Greek pen·ades our mental and ethical cience . Greek laid the foundation of our natural philosophies, laws, schools, gymnasia, athletics, medicine, and technics. Greek gave the world it true t democracy and made u all of one kin. \Vithout Greek and what it has brought, your schools, ciences, and for most part honorable practices would still be in the embryo of their development. To learn and to know Greek is to acquire the touchstone of everything. To re– fu e or neglect to learn Greek i a crime against ancient time and peoples, a dis– grace to mediaeval people , and equivalent to self- eparation from the noble t and he t in ou~ modern ch·ilization.