Cedarville College Memorabilia

NGLI H . I \ R \ B. I R \ [ ', Thi.' .1i111 <lf 1111r 011rsc in l•. 11gli It is to ,1rou c i11 our :t11de11ts ad ·cpn int ·rest 111 l111r nwthl'r tongue, to train them in th pow r of cxpr ion, to ultivatc th• fa ult, 11( nri in,ilit · h requiring ea h imliviclual to think for him elf, and to d ,velop their appr iat1l1n of gt1od literature. l'hetori is truly ,\11 art 1 ot all ,ire endowed to the amc extent with the gift of e. pr ion. But to tho c who e m not to po e · thi inhorn aptitude, di cipline and p r everan c ·ield mark d re ult , and tn time the production from uch pe11 will he haracterized by preci ion and grace. Th ource of o much [ailnre today i the lack of practicability . Error are made .o much from i norance a from the non-:ipplication of the principal that have been learned In connection with thi we are reminded of the word of 'hake peare, "If to do were as ea y a to know what were good to do, chapels had been churche and poor men' cottage prince 'palaces." \,\'e err largely not from our not knowing what ood to do, but rather from neglecting to do that thing which we know to be good. trict adherance to the principle of English will result not only in ou r being able to do the good thing our elve , but it will enable u to appreciate the good that other have done- which is one of the most desirahle attainment that an in– dividual can make. TO THE GRADUATES. BY THE JUNIORS. "Rome was not built in a day, " you say, "Beyond those Alpine hight your Italys lay, " "From the foot of the ladder you wend your way" "Into the ocean; out of the bay." With "the key to success" held tight in your hand, "Trust ( ing) not in man; he's but shifting sand," "On the threshold of another century you stand" . "\Vhile the American eagle soar over the land." "There's alway a way where ·e'er there's a will," T~en you'll tell of Thermopylae and Bunker Hill, You ll get ou t the war-flag and wave them on high, You'll praise "those who dared to do or to die." You'll, tart our government on the right ba is again, You 11 cheer Grant and Lee, then all of their men You'll tell of "Higher Education" and "International Law. " Then go back to live with your pa and your ma. - 10-