Cedarville College Memorabilia
LECTURE COURSE. F . A. J RKAT. l •ctur r is one whu reads. This being so, it seem strange that th· popular kcturer shnuld ll'ave his manuscript at home and talk off-hand. Perhap, this is [nr the purpose n[ emulating th elocutioni. t, who all· her el[ a reader hut i not. Hut we arc wandering. \\'hat we had tarted to ay wa that just a, the an ient drama u, d to he a mu ical performance with talking-matche between the act , and raduall hanged to a talking-match with music thrown in, o the lecture ha· changed from a eriou talk with joke inters per ed to a pack o[ che tnut with a eriou remark now and then to re t the people from their [uriou outbur ts <'{ laughter. Thi explain why the lecturer does not read--he do not want the people t see who e almanac he is using. The foregoing remarks do not apply to our lecture course. We spend lavi hly, and get the be t we can for the money. If the performers are not up to the expec– tations, that is the fault of the highly-imaginative advance agent. He is cho en £or proved ability, and i the be t talker the bureau has on it list, no matter what the lithographs may ay. The advance agent is to the lecturer what the uni– ver· ity is to the college, and is in one of the higher classes at that. But to return. Why do the musical companies not give their encore fir t and render the regular program while the delighted audience are putting on their wrap and filing out with the remark that the company is the best that ever hit the pike? If the people are not educated up to classical music, t.he best way to train them i to put them where they do not have to listen to it. Give us the good old classic like " ally in our Alley" and away with Wagner's rag-time and Chopin's Opu - 4-11--!!. Leave Mozart for funerals and Mendels ohn for weddings - the opera hou e is hardly appropriate for either. But to return- Alas! the space is used up. NOW AND THEN. What is the dearest household article to Prof. J-rk-t? Bro(o)m-agem. What office in the church is J-h- W-ls-n seeking? Elder. How does Fr-d B-rb-r like to deliver packages to the Crawford boarding hou e? Carrie them. What kind ?fa musician holds firs 1 t pl~ce in Prof. A-~-rs-n' heart? A Harper. What question enters M-ry St-r-ett s mmd about the time of an entertainment? \\, ill ( ie) ask me? What people are good friends of M-ry R-ms-y? Young. \Vhat ford does M-lt-n Ha-n-a approach most frequently? Craw-fords. The byword of the Juniors. Oh Shaw! \¥hat kind of a fowl is Prof. L-w-s' pet? A Young "Chick." Prof. Ervin- Mr. McFarland, what makes you laugh o much? Mr. McF.-1 just swallowed a feather. - 12-
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