Cedarville College Memorabilia

FUNNY HAPPENINGS IN LITERATURE THE CLASS. AMERICAN About the warme t cla that ever truck Cedarville College wa the American Literature Cla of 1903. Thi is a Senior tudy but variou attraction induced Junior , Soph , and even Senior Prep to join the class. uch a queer combination could not help but have queer happenings, ome of which will never be forgotten by the member of that cla s. One member eemed to be well po ted on the life of Benj. Franklin and on inv - tigation a to the cau e of thi unu ual amount of knowledge we were informed by our fellow cla mate that hi great-great-grandmother's uncle wa Benj. Frank– lin Of cour ewe all expected one with uch di tingui hed ancestry to make a tar in our Literature cla but we were di appointed. 1aybe if the rest of U$ had our father' bu iness to attend to, several farms to look after, and uch sad love af– fair a thi per on had, we would not have been ahle to keep up the record of our ancestry either. Another memberof thi clas , who indulged in the Indian weed, was carele s one day about putting hi pipe in the same pocket with an essay . When the Prof. called on him to read hi es ay he pulled it out and found the fold of the paper filled with the content of the pipe. Thi did not seem to embarras him in the least for he politely emptied the tobacco on his knee, and after smiling at the other boys, blew it off and proceeded to read . Had we not seen the tobacco we might have suspected something stronger for in reading he pronounced " evermore", "Moreover;" "Blithedale Romance," "Riverdale Romance," and when a ked why a certain author was a clerk at 13 he aid he gue ed it wa b cau e he thot he wasn't old enough to be pre ident. At another time when the ubject came up that Erner on had married a lady by the name of Mis Tucker, thi witty Prep a ked if he was any relation to old Dan Tucker. On one occa ion however he blu hed. Mi Lewis a ked where Bowdoin College was and he said that h thot it wa in edarvill . "Yes," he replied, "l think ome of the students here act like ome did at Bowdoin." It will be remem– h e red that some of Bowdoin' tudent w re very r cklc . Another boy appeared ·to b e very familiar with th teacher and walking into the cla room one day remarked to "Nell" a he called her that it wa too windy in the room. • he with her u ual wit replied that it wa not so until h came in. ( Thi wa "Windy" who came in . ) To have heard "Windy" r cite that day anybody would have agre d that he wa we ll nicknamed, for v ry g neral que tion that wa a ked he yelled out ome an wer wh ether it hit or not and in the majority of ca e. it didn't hit. For exam pl , when th question wa a k d who wa Robt. Mor– ri , "Windy" yelled out, the inventor of th tel graph femal S nior, not a cu - tom d to making break howev r, a ked if l"<obt. Morri wa not th in entor of the Murri chair Another noble S nior f It more like a Pr p on day, for in r ading laud Muller he called Maud' brown ankl brown anchors Th are 011ly a few uf th many que r happening but th y will uffi e to ho\ uu the re ult of uch a mixture.