Cedarville College Memorabilia
lH ,nd of lwr 111,11 ri.1gt· !'hen rJ111rsd,n l v ning sh· \\,ls "hl'lled," .tnrl of r:011r. 1• ,lftl'r ha, 1ng had th,1t honor, she woulrl not une for Slhnol. \\ ·II, \\ hl' ll h ·r father hc,trd ,tlmut her marriage he t<·lephnncd to In rand ask ·rl if she" 1s tlw 1HH' wlw w,ts married,. he said sh· w,1s, and then h said "(~omlh ·," .rnd rang off. Finalh a reconcilliation was made. l'he fir. t Sabb.1th the bride and groom were at chur h, the bride . aw one of her girl fri e nds and approa bed her with the words, "Didn't l cut a dash!' During her shnrt chool life [is. Perri! remained at 1r. Thomp on Crawford' home now familiarly known as the" Barb r, hop" or "Hanna' Junction." \Ve u d to Jrnve a tuclenl by the name of r. Samuel McMillan. 'ow "Sam- mie" began to admire one of t'.1 oung Jadi e wh '> live on Xenia Avenue. One 'abbath eve11ing 1r. Robt \Vallace, a former student, had the pleasure of l." -orting a young lady to hur.-:h, leaving her older ister to ome hy her elf. Then aft r church Rob and the two i ter were Jowly wending their way home– ward, and ammie wa going home too So he thot to himself," ow i my chance." He walked up to the younger sister requesting to take her home, and she being of a gentle and amiable di po ition, alway ready to oblige- gave her consent. She remained on the ame ide of the pavement, on which she had been when with tht other . But poor Sammie must have become frightened at his own bravery, or el e he forgot the warning to "Keep off the gras , 'for he walked at the opposite ide of the pavement. v e cannot help wondering if that is the way "Bill" does. One of our former Profe ors would occasionally get his grammar a little mixed. One day in a recitation in hi room, he had explained something to u , and after fini hing the explanation, a ked us if we understood it "pretty carefully" Hi fa– vorite expre sion wa "for instance," meaning of course, "for instance." After thi Professor left college hi favorite expression seemed to be taken up by one of the lady Profes or . No wonder Jennie Cooper looks so heart-broken; J. McC. ha gone home to vote. Cal Wright can afford to moke cigars since he ha gone into the newspaper bu iness. Wonder if Agnes Stormont has accomplished her purpose of coming to college, Yiz: getting into society? Possibly he has for S. H., J. J. W. and S. C. at least have hown her around. The girls tried to tell us that their basket ball _games were gentler than those of the boys. But after one game Carrie Hutchison, a forward, had a black eye and her opponent, guard Alice Bromagem, wa compelled to wear a crutch in order to get around. Little grains of powder, Little drop of paint, Make a lady' freckle Look as if they aint. -20-
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