Cedarville College Memorabilia

l lnu• in ,1 \\ hill l',11\ t tool ,I h.111d in till' •,11111 ,11icl llic n s11lt gc IIC'r,dly \\,ts ,I ,I l h.ingl'; ,I Ill\\ (ll'(ll-1 \\,IS im,1111,t<·ll. ( l ,1ki11g it f,i, gr.111krl tli,1t l'.ttl'I j I) ptr.tl ul hi>- "l' .) 111• did 11111 1•1 .1k ofl111 nor :,,;n , 1·n 1111111lh, littl <,11111<•'10\, tlw s.,plt tt·m1 t11h1 n d hi.., n·111,11"ks. ,i,, tltl') ,IIT J1111iors .111rl .tr· ht·gi1111i11g lll ,11 q11in· ,,c- 1.1>-iPn,d dignit\ ( fllt thcr<' ;11T lap. 1·:-. :-.till), .ind rl',11 w1!-iclo111. 1\ fc·,, \\Ito pn·111.i– l11rl'h dn elllp '111d tlt,1L the, ,ire 11,il ,,1st .il ,tll, ,111<1 that the · lt,tVL pn·vtllll. I u, t·r1'!-Lim,1tcd Lltl·111SL' h l'S. l lten il is lh,1t LhL out r w irld, that grc,1t <ritt,, "ho h tl,,,l\s ,,.1t1 hing; ,tl,,;1y nnting do,,11 f.1rh ,ind tH, l'r forgetting tltl'lll; thl'n it 1s, 1 . ,I\, tit.it sht fi11d . 1H1t that tin• Junior is\\ ise Fur the: outer world, ,tltlill' stl'nt m cntic1-.;m is gener,ilh Jll"l and s1>1netinws k:11<1, .ind she i fir t to rc·,di1.e th.i b('- ause kno\\ luige has Clll11C \\ i. dorn will linger. Do~ \lll kn,m, it Sl'ems tti me, that it i. 1111t . o mu It what and wit re \\Cha, t . tudiecl, ,1 ,,hat \,e h,\\'e a. sirnil<1tecl? ,\II tltrn' our tolleg · ,our c we are atur– ated ,,ith knowledge \\hich honk ha\'c gi\'cn u , but when we go 1H1l mto the world we be omc fr,1ught with the wi dom t,lllght b) pra tice. If we are truly wise, we \\ ill be wi e toda), \\hile we may; for the night ometh when no man can work; and the true hearted Junior with a 11 Iii getting \\ i hes to get understanding. But now we digres ! The e particular Junior are all fluent peaker , but they remon~trate about pla ing their thu'ts on pap~r. 1 know that to be a fact, yet when they overcome their predjudices, what gt)od paper they would prepare. Some of them are independent thinkers too. You know !tow beautifully Bobbie Burn ha 1111g to hi ";\lary in HeaYen." The sentiment is good and the expres ion excel– lent; yet one member of the cla had the temerity to say that he preferred to ing hi ong to ";\lary on Earth." 11 thing, have an ending, whether they be good or evil, o I suppose my fare– ·well to the Junior must be said. 1 tremble to do so and my pe.n almo t refu e to write, for I liked everyone of the Juniors of nineteen hundred and three. 1 re– joice with them in there past ucces~es and wi. h them every happiness In the future; hoping they may conduct them eh·e a admirably when Senior , a they have done while Junior . SENSE. AND NONSENSE. Carrie Rife (in Bible class DaYid captured the Philistines and killed them only once. \Yonder if J. \\". Shigley' Cincinnati Insurance policy has yet expired. If o, he can play foot ball next fall. · ,' enior- Can you tell me why our college is uch a learned place? Fre hman --Certainly! The Fre hman alway brings a little learning here and the Senior never take any away, hence it accumulate . A pair in a hammock Attempted to ki And in le than a jiffy 'S(l{l ;:J>j!] p;:i}{00J ,C;iqi