Cedarville College Memorabilia
CLA S O F '05. President. EM 8 RSON SHAW Colors, Blue and White. 111 they ,tr I , !lfl, ther wa so, non the soft, grec:11 turf o[ Pn.. pdorn, the eerl of a might) oak, the embryo !lf the ~lass of HW5. Thi , eecl ha long in e. prung into a tree, might • c1rnl strong, whi h i. able to with tand all the mighty , torms and strong wind of heaven. \\·e om par our phy ical trength to that of an oak, and well we may, but in ad– dition t\l our phy ical trength we po e mental and moral trength in pror,ortion. \\'hen we wer Fre·hmen, we pake a Fre, hmen, we under tood as Freshmen, and we thought a Fre hmen. But ince we have become dignified Sophomores we have put away all our childi h act:on and are now looked up to even by our brother, the haughty enior. For clo e tudy, original inve tigation and deep thinking '05 is unrivaled. Our excellence in the cla room, the literary hall, or even on the athletic field ha attracted univer al admiration and prai e. Who but a 'ophomore can deliver uch fine oration or who b•lt a ophomore can write such delightful e ays? When a ophomore speaks, a reverent quiet prevails in the audience and the thought forces it elf upon each hearer that before him stand the future great orator, lawyer or theologian and his pre ent ability is only a sample of what it wil! be in years to come. ln the class room "they'll have to give it to us." Examine all the clas record and to whom do all the high grades belong? Answer, "Sophomore." In addition to our physical, mental and moral attainments, we are bumble. In other word we have not the "swell head" as some have. We abhor e[f-praise and how the greatest sympathy for those we see truggling along after us. The Sophomore boy is excelled only by the Sophomore-.girl. In peaking of her I can only say in the words of the poet:- "To see her is to love her, To love but her forever. For nature made her what he i , And never made another." And now, dear reader, we must bring the history of this noble class to a close although not the half of our virtues have been enumerated. Hoping that thi hort article may prove an inspiration to all who read it, we bid you farewell. Iotice to Ladie --Those desiring the latest ideas in hair dressing con ult Agne torment. Prof E .-What made the god Vulcan lame? Bright Freshman-He had a fall. Prof. E.- What caused his fall? Bright Freshman-He was walking on top of MJ-.Olympu and lipped on a thunder peal. _Dave Cherry (one of four in a buggy)-Well I'll ware if that fellow ha n't got h1 arm arou,nd that girl. I guess I'll try it just for luck. -24-
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