Cedarville College Memorabilia
CLA OF '07. lt i. twt ,ts thl· .di knowi11g .incl ovl·rlic.iring Sophomore, neither .is the bold and pn.• umptiou. Frc:,;h111,1n nor as tho. e too brill1,111t to be taught of others, hut ,ts the pl.,in ,111d un,1:-:-umi11g l'r ·p willing to I ·,1rn and "to tc11d strictly to the thing 111 hand," dn \\l' state whn \\ arc and r veal our pro. pc ts for a brilliant future. It 1s trul) an honor to belong to the ·ta . s of 11) 7. She wa a winner from thL . t,trt .111d h r rcput,ltinn in the clas room and out of it ha been c1n in pi ring one. Her young l,1cJi c~ arc brilliant and her young gcntlcm..:n rath r illy. Every m 111- bcr has been e amined a11d found to be po e sed of average i11telligence. Hepre– scnt cl by farmer , doctors, he ~pherdcr , and b c1rn . tormer , he pre ent a grace– ful appearance a . ~he move up and down the corridors. 11 the other cla c and ev n the faculty make way br the Cla of 19,)7. \Ve have no pecial yell hut JU t . tand around and "holler" nearly everything. If tiler i anything you want to know and you have failed to hnd it in th,., library, JU t ask ome member of the las of 19J7. WANTED. Prof. McChe ney- Everybody to be pious. lice Bromegem- Prof. Jurkat. Shigley- A weetheart. Carrie Rife- Precious Orr. Frank Bird - A mustache. lilt Hanna- To call Thomp. Crawford" Cha . ash - A pony or interlinear. Margaret Finney- A School. Fred Barber- A Car ( rie). Mary Sterrett- A Will. ncle." Effie Crawford- Every night to be Friday night. Carrie Hutchison- " " " " Fudge Frank Orr- A change of girl . Graham- A smoke. Prof. Anderson- A Harp (er). Prof. Jurkat-Bananas. Agnes Stormont- A fellow. Frank Bull - A chance to talk. If II u D 1 ctar elf; '.I ? ·" ..... Get Clara Adams to tell you about her white horse and you will know why he o homesick. - 26 --
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