Cedarville College Memorabilia

ATHLETICS. W. R. GRAHAM. Cedarville College, although young, may look back with pride upon her athletic achievement . They began with the college and have grown with it, until we have ri en from obscurity to an enviable place among our rival colleges, which are many years our enior. \Ve h :we d :!v elo?e::l athlete Wi1'.)Se services are coveted by ou r larger institutions. The founders of Cedarville College,r{Jso the president and fac– ulty, knowing the value of the phy ical in connection with the intell ectual develop– ment, have at all times encouraged athletics. At the beginning of the year of 1902, the tudents, a a body, did not seem to take much interest in athletics. Foot ball was talked about, but everyone seemed to think we would have no team on the gridiron this year. But after the season was well advanced, th e boys woke up and did bu ine s. They obtained the service of James Scarf, of Charleston, the famou coach who lead the old team to victory . One week after the team was organized they played their fir ·t game with a team superior to th em in every respect, except in bull dog grit which has alway made the Cedarville boy famous . On this virtue they won the game. During the remainder of the season several fast teams tackled them for a snap but got a surprise instead. They all found that a Cedarville man never fought his best till he was in the last ditch and just when you thought they were beaten they were not. Erner on Shaw captained the team during the season and proved him elf capa– ble of tilling the position. In January, 1903, the college received the valuable gift o f the old R. P. church which was turned into a gymna iurn. A new association was formed, and soon after a basket ball team. During the season the college team played some of the fastest teams in the tate, and although no complete victories were won they made a record not to be ashamed of, considering the practice they had. For three successive year~. beginning with 1 96, Cedarville held the champion- hip in foot ball and base ball over all th '.:! surrounding colleges Then followed a few years in which her banners were somewhat lowered, hut they have never trailed in the du t. Athletics at Cedarville College, like everything else, have had their dark days hut the future n e ver looked brighter than at pre ent. A glance at her r.;C'>rd for 19J2-!3 will convince all that he r star is ri . ing. C darville ollege was gre1tly hv lred thic; ,·e tr hy heing th r cipient of a mu c h needed gymnasium, know as the" !ford Memorial." . The girl. a well as the 1)'.)y tou\ advantage the opportunity offered for athletic. ,rnd two girl' ba ket ball t am were organi1.ed under the names of the "Blu " and the "Red~." :n