Cedarville College Memorabilia
\ft ·1 tWll Wl' eks pra ti t' it w.1s <lL·cidccl to have a p11hlic game. The report dn·w a I.tr re rnwd, a, the girls g,rnws alway; did. ( I might say right lwrt that the ho · knowing the popularit ' o{ girl 'games, were sharp nough to inOucm · the girls tu Join th 111 in the same a, snciatron so that they, i.e. the boys, might p,1v thl'ir e pen c out of the trea ury) \Vhen the game was called th following line– up wa, made: "Red " Iara dam and nna Orr, centers; Carrie R if ancl 'arrie Hutchi on, forward ; Effi Craw{orci and Ruth Flatter, guard . "Blue," ' Iara Kem! r and lrene Mc lellan, center ; Echo Sterrett and Ina Murdc, k, forward ; lice Bromagerr.. ai~d Mary Sterrett, guard . The "Blue " had every– thing their own way during the fir t half, keeping the ball the entire time and mak– ing uch a core that, al tho th e "Red " played well the econd !111£, they were not player enough to make the core of "Blues," and went home feeling badly beaten. According to the usual result of a victory the winner , highly elated over their - ucce , were weakened while the lo ers were strengthened and filled with deter– mination to beat the "Blues." When arrangements for the second game were made some of the "Blues" did not care to play and a redivision of the teams wa made with only two centers. But when the time set arrived, for some unknowll rea on both old teams lined up. Of course this had its effect, and talk about warm games, thi1, one was warm mentally as well as physically. This time it wa the "Blues" who went home sad, for they had to admit that they were not the only ba - ket-ball players. This would have ended the history of the girls' basket-ball games had not the boys coaxed them to have one to draw a crowd for them on the night they played Xenia Seminary. Once more were the "Blues·' lucky, o the sea on ended two to one in their favor. Ask Carrie Hutchison how she likes to "Waddle," in a broken rig, to an oyster upper in Clifton. We desire to call special attention to our advertisements. These firms are 111 every respect worthy of your patronage. We trust that the Junior class next year will continue the work already begun and that our college Annual will become a permanent thing. Frank Bird, alias "Speedy," alias "Freshie," won't, for some reason or other, pur– chase any "ponies," yet he always uses those of others. If this were not a religious college he might not fare so well. Any young man desirous of an economical young wife would do well to consider Mi s Margaret Finney. When the girls gave the boys a "spread" she declared 25 cents worth of boiled ham would be sufficient. About sixty people were expected at the "spread." - 32-
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