Cedarville College Memorabilia

FACTS . Andrew-..Little, but large enough to love." Bromagem-"The king he is hunting the deer."- Shake peare. Hammond-"An innocent, "guilele s child of nature." Lulu Henderson- "And s.till the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all she knew." Stormont-"Beauty is worse than wine, it intox icates both the holder and the be- holder. '' Wilson-"Here comes Sir John."-Shakes peare. Wright-"The world knows nothing of its greatest men." Pollock-"On nature do not lay the blame but rather on the place from which he came." Sterrett- "A spirit nobly just, unwarped by pelf or pride." tewart--"Laugh not too much, the witty man laughs least." Shigley-"What tempest, I trow, threw this whale ashore at Windsor?" Ramsey l Inseparable. "But they do no more adhere and keep place together Carlough) than the Hundredth Psalm to the tune of "Green Sle _ve,.·· Hutchison- "! think he's stuck on me, for every time he looks at me he has to laugh." Dallas- "God amend us, God amend! we are much out of the way."- Shake pea re. L. Flatter-"1'11 rather be unmannerly than troub lesome."- Shakespeare. Cooper-·'The anchor is deep; will that humour pass?"- Shakespeare. Graham-"By my troth, I tarry too long."-Shakespeare. R.ife-"ln truth, sir, and she is pretty, and honest, and gentle."- Shak esp ear ,·. Shigley-"When he speaks, did you ever hear the like?"'- Shakespeare. Adams-"l had rather be a giantess, and lie under Mount Pelion.·'- Page. Orr-"Believe it, Page, he speaks sense."-Shakespeare. Smiley-"The gentlemdn is o f no having; he kept company with the wjlcJ pr:rce and Poins."-Shakespeare. Stewart-·'Let me play the lion too; I will roar."-Shakespeare . Tate--"The most lamentable comedy."-Shakespeare. Kemler-"Will not the ladies be afraid of the lion?"- Shakespeare. R. Liggett-"Who is next?"- Shakespeare. F. \Villiamson-'·I am weary of thi man; would he would change!"- Shakcspc,uc. C. ash-"This is not so well as I looked for "-Shakespeare . E Shaw-"l will praise an eel with the same praise." - Shakespeare. ~1urdock-"Well ducated infant "-Shakespeare. Lackey-"Can such things be ?"- Shakespeare Roy Henderson-"A country lad is my degree."- Burns. ~1. Finney--"See what grace is seated in this form."- Shake peare. R. Flatter-"! would this world were over, I am tired." Bailey. l\1cFar:and-"So gentle yet so bri k, u wondrou weet, Su fit to prattle at a lady' feet. P. :\1 amJJbell- "Go, some of you, and get a looking glas. ." 35