Cedarville College Memorabilia
I, ,l!-h "lh- pf his Yitllll'S \'l'I\' kind B · IP hi· f.111lts .1 littll hi ind." l'11P1. \It C.tll "I ,llll nut 1n the roll <l( <omlll<lll llll 11" S 1 1.1k1 sp< an :\lrF.1rl,1ncl "lll·at \\' nnl thl' 1111111 of mighty workin~s pc·nl w1tli111 Ji,.., hn,1st?' Kl,1t \ \h C,1mplwll ''He must he ,I gr,ind man he pl·,1ks so m11rh of hi111 · If· lonon "The gt'neralit, of mnn is perkct, take me for ex,1mpl ·." Finne) "l' ·rhap. he'll grnw." H. Liggett " ll(] till the wonder gro s." L. '\l :\Iillan "Perhap. . he'll grow" i\Ic 'own "He wc1ues both high and low, both n h and poor, both ·1iung and 01J." • hakespeare. Hanna "l never h ard such a drawling affecting rogue. Page. Young "How now, weet Frank! why art thou melan::hnly?' Forcl. Crawford "1 f there b a kind woman in \\'ind or, he i one. Shake pea re. Barber " ir, I hear you are a ch )lar; I w;[l b~ brief with y 1u." S'1ake pea re Ch IT "Experience is a jewel that I have purcha ed at an infinite rate." Bird "He i. a better cholar tlnn I thought he wa ." Shake. pearc. Peter Knott - "How might we di gui e him ." - Shake peare. Smallwood "I har! a lief he:ir ) mu :h l ad." S!1ake pea re. Fitzpatrick "Th:s pa se ."- S:1ake. peare. McLaughlin "Come to the forge with it, then shape it." Shakespeare. R. Shaw "They hall have my hor e ; but I'll rhake them pay." Paul Knott "Methinks you prescribe to your elf very preposterously." C. Liggett "\\'hat i he? I think you know him." Shake~peare. McClellan- "A man may hear this shower sing in the wind." Shakespeare. Bull- "Thi is the period of my amhition."- Shake, peare. ECHOES FROM THE RUSH. Graham ( before rush) - Let them come; I can handle three or four of them. (After) - There a re others. "Fitz"- 1 wish that Senior girl and ~econd Prep girl would not pull my hair so much next time. Bull ( on pole ) --This flag is of so cheap a material that it will not burn when well coal oiled. \Vil on - Pollock, do you hug the girls a tightly a you are hugging me now? Pollock- By grab, John, there is where l got my practice. Anderson It was rather amu ing to see them lying around on the campus by two and threes, and one man on the pole. Stormont- I think about a dozen Junior girl had a hold of me. (There are but four in the cla s.) Bird - N"asb, don't you tear my twenty-bve cent vest. Shigley ( weight 2oq pounds before rush) - ow boy , they have it in for me; you must keep them from hurting me. - 36-
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