Cedarville College Memorabilia
PHILADELPHIAN SOCIETY. One afternoon in September 1 94 a band of energetic student met in the chapel of the old college for the purpose of organizing a literary society . In spirit and in deed have it supporters ever sought to carry out the significance of the name, Philadelphian, then adopted. Taking as it color black and old gold, and as it motto "With Talice Toward None and Charity for All," the Philadelphian Literary Society launched forth upon a career which has ever been progressive. The oci– ety took up it headquarters in the large hall, facing the west, on the third floor of the present college building in 1895. This has been improved and refurnished from time to time, till at presen·t it i an object of admiration and beauty.) :.\lany loyal upporters and friends have contributed to the hall pleasant remind– ers o: their love and interest for Philo. In the fall of '95 another society was organized among the students, and the fol– lowing pring the fir t Inter Society Contest was held. It resulted in Philo's win– ning all ten points These contest have been held annually ever since, and are the mo t intere ting feature of the college year. Philo has suffered her share o[ apparent de[eat , but victory, un een, often lurks in defeat. The meeting from week to week have always been of a hth literary order, and very instructive both to the performer and to the audience. lToo much cannot be he . aid of the training which a literary ociety affords. It is a necessary factor to a college education, but it can no be found in text books. It is developed only through individual experience. l Still, the mo t important tr,1ining of all is tint which develo;Js character, and by no mean ha Philo neglected this. It is her aim to send forth the noble men and w1>men for whom thi age is clamoring. ) She has alway been justly proud of her member who have ever been loyal and true to the ociety to which they owe so much. Graduate have gone:: forth from Philo Hall who have won respect and honor where ever they have cast their lot . \Ve Cdnnot measure her influence, but, no doubt, if we could, it ha been felt in place of which . he know not. For the future we have only the brighte t hu i"' e and he t wishe (Flouri h, prosper m:1y thou ever; Loved and honored be thou till! Tho' ome tie we all must ever, In our heart we keep the will. 111 the year that are before, :\Jay count le trace their fortun hack Tu tl1e nam they now adore, \\ ritten in the Gold and Black . J 5
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