Gavelyte Annual 1911
• I T l I E <l ..\ \' E f J Y 'I' 1,; . Rolwrt Woodhriclg l . tick, . B., ''Head'' '',Ja •k'' enior las Pr ·id nt Philadel– phian, ollege Iale Qnartette, ol– lege :\Iin tr,el , A ociat Editor of GaYelyte, '10- 11. '' l\1y hair i my pride. ' '' He read much ; He is a great observer and he look quite through the deeds of 111en.' Jo ephine Orr, A. B., " J o" Philosophic, Y. W. C. A., ecretary enior Class, Captain Girl ' Basket Ball, 'O · '09 ; Fonvard for Girls' Team, 09 - '10; GaYelyte :--.taff, '08 - '09. '' Independence now and independ– ence forever.''
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