Gavelyte Annual 1911

'rHE GAVELYTE. Junior History Hi tory cannot repeat itself in this case, for the simple rea on that there neYer vYas, and never will be a class so great and glorious a ours. It is only fitting that our president, Phil D. Dixon, be the first, ictim of our attempt at hi torical rhetoric. He has been a loyal, yea, very loyal, adherent to the dear old college of his home town, for a number of years past. His wonderful capabilities for business management is evidenced by his constant occupation in that line; this, with all his other good qualities combine to make him a most worthy president of our class. Ream Shroades, t he Yice president, is next in order, genial, aspiring to high standing in every way. Truly he is ambitious. Hugh 'rurnbull commonly known as "Hug", is a husky fellow liYing a few miles from town. He is always disseminating about him a super– abundance of surplus energy, occasionally allowing his eye to rest on t ! c> open page of a book. Then comes Grace Beckley, the honorable secretar y. J?rom Coulterville, Ill., she comes, bringing with her an intense love for her state and woe betide the one who dares to ay anytlling against it. , ' he v,as a wee lassie ,vhen sbe first came, but now bas developed into a little woman. Th e fair Ila interests us next. She dwells but a short distance from town all(] is a most striking example of a sedately modest maiden. Authur Dean is another of our co·mely re iclents. His characteristic quiet manner and steadiness betoken his sure success. We are proud of him. -v,.,r e boa t of a p1·ospectiYe minister of the Gospel, W. P. Harriman. " ' lio has alr ead~, held his fir t funeral ervice. Ile comes from Yermont. is mani ed , and he 's all right. From Pennsylvania Y\' claim another. Howard ::\frGaffick. rrh e ouly one of his kind, he impres, es everyone as a p erfoc1 g:e11tle111a11. Il e has fin e points galo1·e. DeWitt l\Iorgan we knew not till lte cam e to <' . C. l.V will soon lose him and we are very sony for it. How– <·, er. v\'e aH 1 all thankful that we have so 1011g e11joyed hi companion hip , l1i :-i help ill al11i111 es of nee<l , his cl1ern' countenance and all. Th e 11 ew fl'i eud8 he will 1w1k<' i11 <111otl1e1· locality will assuredly think the same. Of thP ,niter , Oie least said tlie l)est. Suffi ee it to sa)· that ·he c- omes fro1J1 l J01Jdo11. 1"1'0111 wliei ·e nothing hut good ca 11 eonH' . ,V. Bdith :.'\Titn1)'.