Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GAVELYTE. 43 A number of ocial events have been given but one of the mo t success– ful wa the May F.estival held la t l\iay whicl1 proved to be such a success both ocially and financially that the girls decided to make it a custom. It may rightly be said that every girl graduating from C. C. ,vill often look back with a feeling of tenderness and thankfulness for the hour penit "\Yith the Y. W. 's, the uplifting influence of the meetings, and the Christian comradeship of the Y. ·v..,r. girls. OFFICERS. "\V. Edith lUitray, Pre ident. Mary .EJJ en Lownes, Vice President. Emily Milligan, Secretary. Tla JU. Ramse:T, Trea . nr e1·.
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