Gavelyte Annual 1911
Phc,to by Canby. Philadelphian Society In the fall of '94, with the founding of Cedarville College, was organ– ized one of the mo t important of C. C. 's student activitie ; namely, a literary ociety. The fir t meeting wa held in the historic man ion whirh then was the home of the College. The name elected ·was ' Philadelphian ", or in the abbr,eviated form, 'Philo '. Ever since the first meeting the member have ho,.,n unflagging intere t in the development of their varion abilitie and in making a societ:, which shall always stand for the hest in the literary line. During the first year the ociety held a public conte t which made the talent of the members known to the community. ince that year there have been many conte ts of various kind and in every one ''Philo'· has been activ-e. A yearly banquet to the new studen,t , faculty, ahunni. and friend ha become an e tablisbed cu tom. In the uring of 1910 the society presented the famous drama of ,' heridan "The Rival ". The ucce s of the undertaking was uch a ,Yarranted the e tabli bing of thi a an annual event, and in Iay or l~J 1 the play entitled "A Scrap of Paper" "as staged. In the fall of 1910 the hall wa newly decorated and makes a handsome place for holding the weekly meetings. The member hip now number near thirty, and eve:t·y one an ard-ent upporter of the "Black and Gold".
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