Gavelyte Annual 1911
1~ H B G A V E L Y 'r E . 45 Photo by Canby. Philosophic Society ln tbe fa]l of '95, a number of C. C. students, recognizing the fact that ma11y advantages would be derived from the organization of a second literary society, and knowing that such would be a greater incentive to deY,elopment along lit rary lines, accordingly called a meeting of tho e intere, ted in the movement. rrhis meebng was held at th home of l\Ii Amia On (now Wilson) Nov. 21, 1 95. 'rhe plan was thoroughly di cu ed aud ·omrnitt es appointed. The next meeting ,va held at tbe home of ::\fr. 'l'llornpson rawford and the con titution a pre ented hy thr om– rnittee was adopt d, choosing a. a name the '· Philosophic Literary So 'i ty . Begim1iJJg with Jan. 6, J 96, meetings wer held we kly in thr C olleg Chapel, uutil in December of '96 the Philosophic Ifall ·was laborately furn isl1 cl. E-ver siJ1c its organizatiou "Philosopbi •" has alway stood for all that is bei,,t in liten1ry lines, many or C. C.'s r ~ore~e111nti, orntor lia\'i11g been ·hosl-'11 from her ranks. In inte1·-so •iety contests Philo ·ophic l1as always taken her share ol' th and ll<.'\'er has the ha11ne1· of
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