Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GAVELYTE. 47 Oratorical Association Cedal'ville Colleg,e is a member of the Ohio Inter-Collegiate Oratorical, one of the oldest oratorical associations of the middle west. Tlns association i in turn a member of the Inter-State Association at which ar - repre ented eleYen states of the middle we t. The annual prclimina1·y contest ·was held in the Opera House, Jan. 20, 1911, the winner· to represent CedarYiHe at the "tate Contest, held at Hiram, Feb. 10. 1\fr. Wendell Foster vvon the honor with the oration 'The Task of the Times" and ably repl'esent~d Cedarville at Hiram on the ahoYe mentioned date. PHILO PLAY. The Philadelphian Literary Society presented their annual play in the Opera Hou e on l\Iay 2, taging the well known drama, "A Scrap of Pape1· ". The cast was made up of players of ability, the parts having been ,\·ell as igned and most competently acted. The play was under the efficient direction of Miss Vera Andre,\·, an Alumna of the class of -0'-1, o whom much credit is due for the successful rendition. The play was managed by l\Ir. Chas. Yoho. ~Phe ca t complete was as follows> Misses Carrie rrownsley, Florer;ice Williamson, Emily 1\Iilligan, Grace Beckley, Katherine McGiven and Ila Ramsey; Messrs. R. W. Ustick, Robert Conley Ream Shroade ·, ( 'ecil Burns, W. P. Harriman, and Chas. Yoho. l\Iiss Stacy Conard of • priui:r– field and 1\Ir. tick were favorite of the audience, having appeared in a very unique and pleasing musical number. PHILOSOPHIC PLAY. Although not an annual event, the Philosophic ociety thi year tag d the well known col leg drama, "One of the Eight''. Thi play was writt 11 by Norman Le , 'v.rartout, author of ' Half-Baek 'andy'' and other ' col– lege plays" known th world over. The principal pa1·ts were capab1~· handll'd by 1\fr. Wend 11 Foster and 1\lis Grace 1\1orton. 'l'h play wn under 1 li(' direction of Prof. Alberta Creswell of th Orato1-y D pt., 1\9hose co11 i ten1 and faithful work made the produ tion of the ph1y po siLle. 'l'h plot WHH tlw kiud that appeals to a college a udiruce irnd it is to hr !toped tliclt l ht> Ph1lo<.;opl1i , Play will also hreome au a rmmtl e, en 1.
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