Gavelyte Annual 1911

Inter-Society Contest On the C\'eurng oC ,fan. 10 the inter-society eontest was helcl iu the Opt'l'H llou . e. Thi eYent uCYer ha failed to work up a great amonnt of enthusia ·rn among Cedarvill , iudent and the coute. t this .vear was no exc ption. The work o[ every conte t.ant show d in v ry particnlar the careful pr paration o[ those who ,, ere striving to bring honor to ither Philo ophic or Philo. Tbi conte t wa the fir t Inter- ociety Contest that had he 11 held for a number of year and wa the renewal of an affair vd1ich in former years wa of great intere t, not only in college circles but in the whole community a well. Owing to a number of good reasons the conte t wa di continued, until this year, a committee repre entmg both ocieties, after careful consideration, decided that uch a contest would be again beneficial. 'l'he prize ·was $25 in gold, donated by the Rev. John Alford, D.D. of DeLand, Fla., and the award is made to the winners in each production according to a chedule arranged hy a joint of the ocietie and the faculty. CON'fESTANTS. PHILOSOPHIC. The Gallery of the Unive1·se, Bertha A. Stormont. PHILO. Essay. The Waning of the British Aristocracy, Ila l\I. Ram ey. Daclama tion. The Lost Word, J. Earl l\IcCleJlan. '0Yer the Ocean Blue,·· Hugh Turnbull. The Ta k of the Time , '>Vend 11 Foster. E,olo. Oration. J DGES. When the loon Aro e. Florence William on. "The Armourer's Song," John 0. Stewart. A Golden Opportunity Ream Shroades. l\Ii s Hallie Q. Brown, Wilberforce University. Dr. J esse Johnson, Xenia Theo. eminary. Prof. E. A. Kolh, South High School, Columbu .