Gavelyte Annual 1911

'l 11 I•} U A B 11 Y 'l1 J~ . GIRLS WEDDING. ln l 11 rhruary of' lDlO orC'nre<l a "mork w dcli11g", all ev ut confilH'cl strictly to ihe girl . and to whiC'h no mere man l' eeived an i11Yilation. When 1911 rolled ,11·01md, 01' coul'se the :firsi mrniv<'t·sary a11ed fol' the proper or) ery,rnce o[ tile c1ffair by having a "wooden w d(hng". The ''wedding" wa to hay b en h l<l in Philo ophic Hall and to haYe heen strl tly feminine. ('L'. T _ of cour lrnd to be counted among the girls that night.)· But any e, ent that girl contemplate i gen rally preceded by everal days of v l'lJal acti,·ity and the group of four and that wer . een standing in the onidor in whi pered consultation told the boy to '' get wi · ''. 'rlHW did. Tlie night came and the anniv,er ary was eel brated but the boys ate most o E the '' glorious wedding dinner' . Three or four day of freezing weather followed. RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. ILIFFE. o often we forget the '' men behind the guns". In college we ee the faithful ervice of the profe or trustees, and others, hut we forget the noble work of the man who in rain or shine, in foul or fair, ee that eYery– thing is ju t right around the College. For 12 years Ir. T. V. Iliffe had erYed Cedarville College thus, and when we found out that he and hi noble wife were 0011 to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary we "'anted to help celebrate. A reception was held in honor of Mr . and JHr . Iliffe in Philadelphian Hall. The evening was mo t enjoyable to all and a handsome library table was presented to the guests of honor as a token of the re pect and affection of the stud,ent body for those who have so long labored in our behalf. A luncheon was serYed by the C. C. girls and before we left ,Ye all expre sed our hopes that these hvo friends of the tu lents might Jiye to ee many another anniversary. RECEPTION TO '' GIRLS CHAMPIONS '' . Of cour e we were glad that the girls beat l\Jiami University. For Cedarville to send out a basket ball team that could lower the color of a tea)Il unbeaten for nine years was a £eat that we consider. rather wol'th while. o we arranged to give the girls a 1·oyal reception whrn they returned, and we felt honored to have the opportunity to do so. The team wa. met at th·e train by the tudent body, and amid cheers and yell they were e. corted to cab deco.rated for the occa ion. rrhey were driYen to the Col– lege where a reception wa given in honor of the '' Champion ''. A luncheon wa erYed and each girl wa presented with a bouquet of carnation . The