Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GA VELY'1 1 E. 53. pre entation peech was made by R. W. Ustick, and various members of the team re ponded with incidents of the trip. MR. AND MRS. DIXON ENTERTAIN THE VARSITY. One of the most delightful receptions of the college year was tende1·ed to the Varsity Basket Ball Team and their friends by Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon. The event was in the nature of a Washington's Birthday Banquet and the home was decorated appropriately. The guests appeared in costume and a sumptuous five course dinner was serv.ed . The evening was spent in games of the 1776 style. It proved a happy celebration of the 22nd as well as a fitting end for a successful s.eason. MANAGER YOHO BANQUETS THE VARSITY. The boys of the Varsity ·were the guests at a ''great'' six o ·clock dinner at the Foster House on the evening of March 21st, the host being our efficient manager, fr. Yoho. It was a most pleasant informal affair, the kind where '' good fellows get together'' and everyone enjoys himself. Every fellovir made a clean score at the table where a four course dinner was served. The eYening was spent in the Hotel Parlors in recounting amu ing incidents of the season past, as "'vell as taking a look into the future of C. C. in athletics. Surely w.e will alw~ys remember the grand time and we can never say enough in praise of ''Mose'' as a royal ho t. BOYS ' SPREAD. The girls said they had a pread. Perhaps th y <lid. But, believe me, the boys "came back" and bad a chicken roast in the Alfol'd the uiglit of April 23 that will long be kept in memory. It wa the he t and mo t successful boys' pread ev r held, and Pres. McKinney wa the guest of honor. After the eats were over, a parade "·a. formed and the girl w re serenaded with Ce<larvj]le songs. SENIOR DINNERS. 'l'he ,. ,emor (']ass of 1l1e college has inaugul'ated a n w cu to;m of holding ·'senior cla s dinners. ' ' 'l'he class lrns beell e11tertai11ed at th hornei,; of tlie membei·s aud are the m ans of ·reati11g a eloser balHl ~f l'ri ,rnlsliip 111 tlie clas as w ]l as being ,;enings tlrnt Pel ·h member will 1·1•1nember lollg a l't ~r co11 g days are past.
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