Gavelyte Annual 1911
T 11 I·: <; , \ \ ' E I. Y 'I' E. Athletics The hi tory of a1 hletic at C'ec1ar-rille i a tory that can well be told without re erye, e-va. ion or apology. \Ve have had year of u ce s, glorious ucce . gain, we ha, e bad ea ons when vve bave had to face defeat. ut the ucce se · ha-ve been in piration , the defeat have only given impetus to gr ater effort, and ~·ear after year find edarville repre ented with teams triYing for the honor of the '' Orange and Bhie' ' . It ,vould be interesting to be able to give a detailed account of 'edar– ville' athletic progress, hut ,re can only give here a brief ketch of C. C.' athletic life. In the first year of the work of the college, the Rev. James D. tee]e of Philadelphia howed his intere t in Cedarville by the donation of 15 football uniforms. Seyeral yeal'S later a g;vmnasium ,ras er1nipped in a bu ine s block downtown. In 1902 Mr. vV.. J. Alford donated to the college the building ,vhich now stands a a memorial to l1i8 father and mother. Dr. and Mrs. Jno. Alford. This gave athletics a new life, and ever ince thi edifice has been a blessing to Cedarville student for their phy ica] development. The building affords a fine ba ket ball floor and as a result ba ket ball i Cedarville 's best supported and most uccessful sport. In the pa t fe11 years some of the fa test basket ball teams of the middle we t -have appeared on the local floor and Cedarville has invariably (?) been Yictorious. Baseball and tennis do not lack for upporter as every whole ome sport find its place in Cedarville student life. You cannot see a Cedarville game without being impressed with the '' never- ay-die'' spirit which ha so often snatched victory from the very ja,vs of defeat. May this o..:p irit abide in the future; a spirit which will muster every ounce of energy for the sake of victory but which will not sacrifice honor for the laurels of a victor. The girls have alway had a prominent place in the athletic of the school, e p.ecially in basket ball. The team of the last season ha heen the trongest that C. C. ha ever supported for years, and by defeating :\Iiarni Univer ity, for nine years undefeated, they wrested from that school 1he Champion hip of the State of Ohio. The summary of both teams for the ea on ju t pas ed i giYen on the foll owing pages.
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