Gavelyte Annual 1911

lill T l l E <l ;:\ \' I<: L Y 'I' I•~ . GAVELYTE . 'l'he Gavelyte i the tndent publication of the college, i sueu monthly from eptember till June. It was the outgrowth of the Gavel Club and the fir t i ue was printed in January 1906. A is the ca e witp. many a good "'-rork. it met with many discouragements, but thanks to the noble effort of it fir t editor, Mr. C. G. v\ are, and the business manager, :M:r. J·oseph Finney, the plans were :piade realities and the Gavelyte kept on. There wa another friend whom the Gavelyte can recognize as one of its greate t benefactor , and without the aid of whom all efforts might have been in _vain. Thi friend wa Mr. S. C. Wright, '03, Editor of the Cedarville Record. Through torm and sunshine this friend has stood by the publication and when CedarYill e students reckon their friends surely this one will come among the fir. t of the list. The publication has all throngh its career endeavored to serve the best intere ts of the student body and the college in general. It is now published as ·a tudent publication, the editor and business manager being elected by the student body. The paper is supported largely by the advertising which it carrie and Cedarville students in this respect owe a debt to its advertisers. It i to be hoped that the student body of Cedarville will never forget their duty to this activity of the college, not only while student but when they are .Alumni as well. Y . M. AND Y. W . C. A. HANDBOOK. When in 1907 the Christian Associations were organized in C. C. they were hailed as mark of great progress in the college work, and truly this wa. o. The e organization , desiring to make themselves known to all C.