Gavelyte Annual 1911

THE GAVELYTE. 61 C. student in a very practical way, in 1909 published a year bnok, a pamphlet which gaye a history of the work of the Y. 1\1. and Y. W . C. A. with their kindred activities. In 1910, a handbook was published, bo1rnd in leather. which erved to put the practical work of the Associations before the tudents, a. well a to serve as a handy memorandum for the year. The Associ– ations are this year again publishing a similar book and it is to he hoped that as year go by the Handbook ,vill become more and more a thing of practical u e. Annual. The Annual comes as the sequel to the year work of the Gavelyte. It has hvo predecessors, the Imago and the l\I emoribilia. It endeavors to give a comprehensiYe account of the various phases of C. C. student life. Let the tudents of the future see to it that it becomes in very truth an annual publication. Catalogue. The College publishes a yearly catalogue which describes in full the curriculum work of the college. The last issue, just off the press is in many respects the most complete and well arranged catalogue that C. C. has had for years.