Gavelyte Annual 1911
( '•) ,_ GAVELYTE STAFF. Editorial Staff. DeWitt S. forgan, Editor. R. W. stick, As ociate Editor. \Yendell Foster, Literary Editor. Alberta Creswell, Alumni Editor. Florence ,i\Tilliamson, / ociety Editors. Bertha Stormont. f Fred L. Clemen , Athlet1c l!.imHJt. EhYoocl P. Howell, Local Editor. W. Edith 1\Iitray, } Bertha A. Ander on, As ociate Local Editor . Grace l\Iorton, Bu ine s Staff. P. D. Dixon, Busines ::.\Ianager and Trea urer. A si tant . J. Earl l\IcClellan, Cha . E. Yoho.
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