Gavelyte Annual 1911
6'1 : ~pt. 14-Coll ege open . Dr. :\IcKinne.\' i11 the 01J,e111ug 1·em:11 ·ks said.'' The Colleg 1 growing older eYe1·y y ar ''. ept. 15-EY ryone to the ":\I elon-patch ''. D . '. :u. tart the ·ea ·on ·with a new gi rl. , 'ept. 2:3-Philadelphian opening reception. ept. 26-'T'be llon. J. D. \Villi am on generou l y '' donated·· a fe,v fo 'lvl for a chicken I oast to the new stud ent . , 'ept. :jO-Philosophic opening reception. Roy L. entertain with l1n1no– ti m: Od. j-J_;anning in a pouri11g-do"·11 rain clonu <l a pair of 1·uhlwr hoot and att mpted to g t up a preacl at th home of fair ~ Tm1C'y. Oct. ] 'ophornore-.Junior Basket Ball :e1·ies begin.. Sophs 1Yi11 t hl' fil"t game, core 33 to 1 j_ Oct. ] 9-Prof. Alle11 1 ende1·ly 111111 g 1h e eau 011 his last S('Hso11 ·s 1iH neee and takes i11to the J>l'01eC'1ion or his large nnd hnl\\' 11.,· ,1r111s c111other for this seaso11-J la . d. 0\. ~ r O\'. 25-An elljoyahl<' eve11ing spent at th<' lio111t' of )Iiss .:\lc11'tllc1 l,nott by se\'ei·al C'o11pl('s. , 'orne lose 1'1Pil' ,n1., mid ,11Ti,·l· ;11\l'. 30-Rev. \\' . \V. 01'1' s1al'b to "el<>1111 lio11sp" i11 ('t,dnnilll'. ;~-, 'id1H>,\ La11gdo11 iu 111<' Opern IIou ·P. •• t ' 11el<' ~am 's ],';1111il., ·· t·lt•\ t•t·l~ irnpe1·son;i1 £'d. 4 J>l'Of. ,Jur]rnt r<'IHil's 011P or liis no11-li11111orn11s jokt1s. Hohl>., says !Jp i:-.11 't la1·gt• e11011gli 1o pill on th(• 1011g l>rl'el'hPs ., 1•!. G 1o 1:{ All sf11clt•11ts c1t1l'nd tli1· J'l'\i,al sl'nit·1's 1·pg11111'1.v 11nd '111,e dates with th<' gil'ls. 1 •o\'. 17 , 't 11dP11ts giv<' a spl'l'Hcl to our t•s1l't'llll'd l'rit•JHls . .\J 1·. a11d .\J 1·s Iliff. l1ouoriug 1IH•i1· -Wt 11 Wt·dding 11n11ivP1·su1·.,
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