Gavelyte Annual 1911
'I' H E G AV E L Y T E. 65 Feb. 10-Var ity is in the mountains of New StraitsviU.e, Ohio. C. C. 28, . S. A. C. 22. Feb. 17-Cedarville State Champions 12, Muskingum Girls 9. Feb. 20-Aunt Mary has a confidential talk with Yoho. Tries to persuade him to become a medical missionary. Feb. 24-Yoho and CLemans were suspected of having '' swiped caps''. De– tective Elder reports suspicions to faculty. Mar. 3-Cedarville 32, Findlay College 2 . Largest crowd ever in the Alford. Mar. .4-Cedarville 23, Denison Univ. 24. Mose gets interested in game and forgets to keep score. Score rightly reads Ced. 25, Den. 24. Denison rooters from Xenia are quiet as pall-bearers. Mar. 7-" Cradle Robbers" hold a banquet at the Foster House. Chaperone, Miss Mary Ervin. Mar. 12-Mary Ellen and Howard get ·Prof. Mac out at 12 :30 A. M. Sabbath morning to unlock the door. Mar. 14-Lanning calls "Mose Cohen" down in the lab. Say he is big enough to put Mose out. Mose talks wildly. ! ! ? ? 1 ? ?. Mar 21-Manager Yoho banquets the basket ball team at the Foster House. Mar. 23-Acton begins on the 1911-12 Handbook. Howell, Foster, McClellan, go for ads to Dayton and Xenia. Mar. 24-Barbers chase the rabbits out of Harriman 's bushy whiskers. Cut down the growth preparatory to having it quarter sawed for the woodwork of the new cience Hall. Students wonder who Mar. Mar. April the new student is. Clubites entertain. well soci.a l ev.ent. Also the C. E. K. L entertain. Allen gives a vaudeYille and Howell recites "O'Grady' Goat". 25-Annual started and work begins. 27- Dr. McMicbael of Monmouth Coll ge speak in th 'lrn.pel. Mer– cury goes to 105 below. DeWitt stays up all night doctorinO' a horse. 0 you h0r e doctor. 29-Wooster aggr,egation takes the noon flier for Wayn ~ co11nty. 'pri.nir vacation begin . , now, rain, colder. 5-Grincls b giu agaiu. Dr. McKim1ey reque t Seniors to pay alt fr preparatory to graduation. Upon con nlting former •al nc.far · this i, found to be an annual speech. pril 6- 'Beans" Markley arrivrs on ll the vacation. low l'reight. fJooks bad after Ap1'11 April 7- fiss Emily entertains. Deliglli ful Evt'. spent. again give their vaud vill stunt. ] 1- Lanniug makes a dat for the - C'V ning. Rtudents him. Lanning gets wise and , 1ay"l at home. plau to '·lwll"
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