Gavelyte Annual 1911

THE GA VELYTE. 6~) mJuri tud nt who wi h to play thi game should bring writt en per– mi ion from their mamma . Gopie of Word. worth 's Poem will bP enjoy d while in the ho pital. Report your favorite flo,ver and color to the regi trar before the game. FLIRT-to make a hit; A pastime greatly di approved by the faculty and chaperone Ervin but aid to b indulged in at variou time by the Girl ' Team when away from the watchful eye. FL K-The re ult of chicken roast , spreads, lecture , medicine how , bn - ket ball trip oratorical conte t , literary, ba eball games, tenni. troll , chafing dish parties, mar hmallow roa t , banquet , recital , and lo t ponie . GRAB- (the act of grabbing ). The only method by which lubite get anr– thing to eat. HAR "GP- ee "bu ted ". I~DI PO ED-The condition a cribed to all ba ket ball tar " ·hen out or the game. ee Cedarville Record ' Account of the St. l\Iary 's game . JOKE- 'uppo ed to he funn)' aying, but at time. the e ar not oYerburdened with a point. Ex.-" J ok.e, Profe or.'' "Duk J\Io . " J RKArr-IIe has been with u long, is till long, and we hope h 'll remam longer. Authority on Greek, H brew, Latin , :-,an crit, Fren h, pani h and G rman. Know more date than Prof. Lanning eY,er had. Know tile life hi. to1·y of nation . peopl s, and thing'. r1 rea ttrer of the Coll g·c_, and r sponsible fo1· much of tl1 aforesaid bu ted condition of the tu– d nt body. E ·.-' l'Ye jut b en to ee Jurkat. Don 't a km for money.'' K OCKER •' CLl'B- A term u ·eel to . ignify an organization whi h poinL out all d fects and mi takes in cy.eryone and verything. It principle are commend.a hle, its practic . are- . 'rl1ronghout the p,1st ~·ear the K. 1 • l1as b en tl1e c.:ause of' v ry much good. l\Iembership to the organization is lirnited to those who lrnYe el'\'ed 1" o ) c>at·s' c1pprenticeship under 11 "re·og 11 ized'' K11ockc 0 1·, or who ha,e shown so111 exc>t>p1iona l ahili1~ along 1 liesc• liues. l\Iembership blank: at Pinn y ·.·. Ll'l'ERARY , 'OC' lE'J Y An orga11izatiou uo1 cl l'ol' its exc•pssiY du · and HSS('HSIII ,uts U)l(] dn ('S ·a ~ 8. )I Petiugs Ji ,Jct ('\ (')'~ ~lo11da~ JliO'h t'Oll sis1; 11 g of essuys aud cl<' •l,1111atio11s l'ollo\\ eel h~ ck ·l,111wtio1 1 -; and ssn., :-;. , ']C'(')Jlllg <'HJ'S i11 tllC' J'elll'. l\1 () ' J•jY _ A t<•J'lll dc'JJot iug m1y 111Pdiu111 whic·l1 IIIH~' ht• 11-;t•d Hs J ,gHJ t c>nth•r fol' tuition , dtt 's aud c·l1"P <' ·a ud\\'it·lH·s . 'l'lie root ot' all t'\ ii but tl1t· Jlll<'ific-atioll of 1111' JiustPcl.