Gavelyte Annual 1911

- .. ,_ 'I' l l l•, ( J A V g I, Y T K Parodies 'l'h ' folowi11 \\',e re ·wri1ten wliil in cir ·uni. tances that w r in.· p1rmg. Th fir t i , a ballctd which wa , ·ompo ,· ecl ·whi le eating clti ·ken ai onf' of those .. boy ' pr ad " (Tun : '' l n th EYening by the :\Ioonlight. ) ln th eYening by the moonlight --w e ould hear tho e chicken crowing; In the vening by th moonlight ,Ye could see that pop aflowing; 1Io·w tho e girl., they "·ould e;njoy it If th )' could he here and ta te it '\Vhile we it in the moonlight eating chicken. Then of cour e the girl had to haYe a ong and they worked t,Yo long " ·eek to compo e the following: (Tune: "B)' the Light of the ilYery i\10011. ) By the light of the moon overhead They had a spread, in the "Gym" o they aid, they did. They had "Doc'· And they al o had 'pop ' And they ang, "l\Iercy no, ould )' Ou eyer ay o, By th light of the moon.'' Boyhood home of Hon. Whitelaw Reid U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain. Near Cedarville.