1897 Imago

13-McQLlilkin go to visit the obj ct of hi affections. 14-Get back, looks tired. 15-Rev. Thos. Watters of Pitt bL1rg vi it college. 16-Scarffe nds boys to bed early. 17-Foot ball team goes to Antioch. A bloody battle; Rife gets hurt. The girls go along, dressed in their be t bib and tucker . Ced. 14; Ant. 0. 19-A consignment of five students re– ceived from Clifton. 20-Bryan meeting in Xenia; everybody goe ; Dr. McKinney investigate:. 21-Jurkat's appetite continues good. 22-Paul says he has been broke long enough and sends home for money. 23-Elder gets shaved. 24-'iVittenberg comes down to teach Cedarville how to play foot ball go home taught, 2 to 0. 26-John Bicket thinks he is getting too sporty and decides to abandon late hours, wine and women. 27-Cecil George goes to a, dance. 28-Election betting begun; silver men eager. 29-l\Iiss Garlough cast her lot with Cedarville college. 30-Social at Creswell's; all go; good eating, good time. 51 November J-(,'abbaLh)-All w Jl. 2-'iVilberJ'orc om s up to play foot ball; sco1·e, Ced. 36, 'iVilberforce 0. le– publicnn lov feasL at opera house; \unp– bell mak s a sp ech. 3-Election day, everybody excited. 4-Stil] in doubt. 5-Dl'. McKinney mak s nn invasion. Silver men can't be found. 6-Election bets are paid. 8-Robb Ha.rper goe to church. 9-Foot ball team goes to London. Found "ea y picking," score 40 to 0. 10-Spence blowing off a L, ual. 11- Phillips has a fit over his keys. 12-Turn r teals down Xenia avenue to hold 1\Iary A. Little while. 13-Foot bal1 team go to Wilmington; hard game; 4 to 4. Carrie Haines enter– tain . Heron arrives from Philad lphia. 14-London comes down to get revenge on college second team. Ced. 4, Lon. 0. 15-Rest. 16-Cedarville vi its 'iVilberforce; score, Ced. 12, 'iV. 4. 17-Dr. McKinney smiled upon us. Philadelphian reception, low-neck gown , spike tails, patent leathers, mu ic and oratory. 18-Everybody flunks, professors angry. Heron puts in a vigorous kick on social events.