1897 Imago

~nhl>nth ,.,chool conrnntion at Yellow ,'pring;,. 11-Belle ·winter and ...Tellie stick be– gin their l'Yening stroll down_ tl'eet. 1:2-0rr goe,., to "elnrn ; rnins. 1--Philo declmnntion contest; Orr goe,-, to 'l ep nt the 'witch and awakens up n-ith fir::-t plnce. 16-:Exnminntions drnw near. 17-Corbett and Fitz 1 -Exnms begin. 19-Exnms oYer. "\\'hat did I get? Turner tnke:,; a notion to spend hi ' yaca– tion with hi aunt in tica; gets as far ea;,t n - "outh harleston ; forget hi aunt's name; concludes to go we · t; tell conductor to pnt him off at Conners,ille. Ind. :29-All back; Turner i gi,·en a nice re– ception; Robert 1Yil on take up quar– ter::- ,Yi th u,. 30-Dr. ::'IIcKinney mile upon u . The Dramatic clnb gi,es the ::'1Ierchant of Venice at the opera house. E,Terybody there; all did well. 31-::'IIi , Ander on ill; too much how. Cal ::'1Iorton recei,ed a kick in hi stomach from hi Latin pony. Bicket conclude to enlist under the 'enior banner and grad– uate with '97. 54 ~lpril 1-The fool::; lul\'e their day :2-1he base ball team begin their "·ork. The Prep .. play marbles. 3-.Jurkat layb in fi,·e pounds peanut candy. gallon picklP , , pint of mm, tnrd, bn hel apples. six boxe sardine ·, three pounds crackers. to run him o,· r, 'nbhath. 5-.Jurkat's digestion rPmnined unim– paired. Election day. 6 - Th<:> Imago goe , to pre:,;s. " ' e pre– dict for the future: That the term \\'ill he a good one. the profes or; be happy, the students will luwe a good time; that Tu1·– ner will continue to hold court ; that l\IcQnilkin will :,;nnnter up to Orr' ; that D. 1Y . ~pE'nce will be a windy as in the pai,,t; that the base ball team will ''do" e,·erything in sight; that Paul will con– tinuE' to meet with the patE>nt leatlwr gang; that 'larn :i.\Ic::'1Iillan and .Jennie ::'1Iorton "~ill continue to "cu;,s" Greek; that the Dramatic club will take a trip; that .Jurkat's appetite will not fail him; that the 'eniors will continue to obtain dignity; that readers will patronize the advertiser in thi work; that commence– nwnt week will be a ' ucce ; that thE' man who ,;vorks the harde t will win con– t t; that the 'enior will be introdncE'd to the cold world; that ome will wax hot at the editor of the Imago-Good byE>.