1897 Imago

'1. 'a. \\lGi..RW\~tt, DEALER IN Cut X Designs furnished to order, Flowers.. Bouquets and funeral work a specialty. ... ,.. X ,,.,,. ... ~ "' ... ,.. 4"0..- No. 2 West High Street, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, :c CLOTH ING YOU MUST HAVE now. if you appreciate quality and values in goods, ! G new and popular patterns, well trimmed, possess,, ing style and grace that is equalled by few and ex,, celled by none, at unheard of prices (think of an All,, Wool Suit for a man selling for $5.00 ), the latest novelties in Neckwear, Teale Patent Bicycle Suits, give us a call. X J. M. K 110 t e, x GLOBE cLoTHING HousE, 11 13 East Main St., Springfield, Ohio, X X X ... ,.. ..," ... ,.. ..," X X X R ,idgway 0 ' Co., Druggi'sts and .S'tationers, Oj)posile Opera House, Cedarville, Ohz"o. ... ,. X X X ... ,.. X #''- "'"' C. W. CROUSE~ lv[eat_....... Market. X .... ,.... "'" Sugar cured Hams, Break,, fast Bacon (our own X curing, ) X X X Beef, Pork and Sausages can always be found at my store, X X X X Pure Family LARD. --!