Marturion 1952
l c~ To W, sdo ms iuirr c{wq_ 11 i 11~ plo.ce ~{ come with ~C\'l{r h~a'fts to trac~ The. si Iver- which wq, k11ow is +i-i~hZ And hidden wwl+fi beyond COtrtf~Y.{ . \,,Jq, ask +hQ+ W<l who he.we His ~ll, \vho know that cT~us r,,aid i+ all, Ma~ own o. dvipq_y love tow~rd n,~rt For- whom Cht-ist dia,d and ros~ aq~in . CHORUS Ouv- ioaH1s n~V{ le:d to 8. B. I. \x/h~rcz, forwa~d is the . batHc ay. \;,./(1. must imra,-t- +hi. livin9 'wor-J. Attd Nzsc.ue +hos~ who have no+ heal'£:{. Let us who h~ve. b'2.~1'1 l\tnply frz,,d Provid(l, ~ d. yi nc, wo~ld wi+h b.,.w.d. 0 let LAS b~ God's humbk tool Jhll+ rk ml\Lf usq, us o.nd ou~ school. w1si-,41Jlrs l )W '111rnG 26 1D~DS bg jog [dylor musrc by Oivlw Rms1~
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