Marturion 1952

Dedication "C7'HAT the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work." -/.. II Timothy 3:17 (S. R. V.) . With sincere gratitude we, the Marturion Staff of the Baptist Bible Institute in behalf of the Junior Class, dedicate this volume to our beloved President-Dean, Rev. Kenneth A. Amsler. The practical application of the Word of God to his own life as evidenced by his godly walk among us, has resulted in blessing to all who know him. The pressing responsibili– ties involved in loyally fulfilling his various offices have not hindered his deep personal love for each student. Eternity alone will reveal the fruit of his ministry. Some may seek the glamour of evangelism, others the glory of pioneering unknown lands with the Gospel, but we beli ve that our President-Dean is truly a man of God in God's appointed place. 3