Gavelyte Annual 1911
'I HE \.VELY'l'E. 7 The Origin and Purpose 0£ Cedarville College Cedan·ill olleg received its charter from the State of Ohio in 18 7. It fir:t open d for m truction eptember 19, 1 94. The pr nt building wa erect d the fo1lowing year and ince then the number of building ha increa ed to three. The number of department and the number of professor liaYe al. o b en increas d and the ollege ince it opening day has been exertin a la ·ting and a widening influence for good. One evidence of itis influence i, the fact that forty per cent of the male graduate are min– i.·t r. and mi ionarie of the go I el. It wa founded in prayer and through prayer it ha . increas d in material and spiritual things. 'I'he purpo, e of th in titution i a singl one and i expre ed tersely arnl w 11 in its motto, "Pro corona et foedere Christi. ' To carry out this motto it aims to provide with qual privilege for both exe a high modern form of ( 'Jassi ·al, Philo ophical, Literary, cientific, and hristian education. It. hope is that every . tudent who leaYe it hall , and pas e a an under– graduate> through it. gate for the la t time, may tak out into the bu y irnd 11Pe>dy wo,·ld am s age of hope and love, a strong body, a keen mind und r the di1·(Jdio11 of a firm will, and a heart full of lov for God and hi ' fellow " "OJ'l{<JJ"S.
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