Gavelyte Annual 1911
T H E G A V E L Y 'r E . 9 Board of Trustees ::.Jathan R. Park, Presid nt ................................ Cincinnati, Ohio ReY. Clarence A. Young, Fi1·st Vice Pr sid nt ............Bo ton, l\Iass. A. Y. Reid, econd Vice President ........................ Cincinnati, Ohi.o ReY. l\Iill J. 'raylor, Secretary .............................. Cedarville, Ohio H. H . ::.\Icl\Iillan, Treasurer .................................... Cedarville, Ohio Prof. Frank A. Jurkat, As 't Treasurer ................ edarville Ohio Re,·. DaYid McKinn y, D.D., LL.D. ................ Cincinnati, Ohio James H. Cr,eswell .................................................... Cedarville, Obio Re\'. 1,Villiam R. Graham ............................ Yellow Springs, Ohio R Y. John Alford, D.D. (special Honorary Member ) Los Angeles, Cal. STANDING COMMITTEES. Park. l\Icl\Iillan. Executive. McKinney. Cr,eswell. Graham. Park. Finance. Icl\Iillan. IcKinney. Young. Cre. ·well. ::\foKinney. Instruction. Jurkat. Auditing. Creswell. Property. Ic lillan. McKinney. Investments. Park. R id. LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD. Graham. rraylor. Jnrkat. Reid. Jurkat. DaYic.l •'. ErYin. J. D. Williamson. J. C. 8tonnont. Thompson rawford. G. E. Jobe. Os ar Smith . WOMEN 'S ADVISORY BOARD. .\In;. N. 'I' . Ba ke1·. .:\ I 1·-;. Ancl <->1·so11 Collins. .:\ l n, ,Joli11 \V. ,Tol1ll so11. .\ I is· 1•~1 l1 i, I .:\Jc..\lillu11 . l\ I r:,; .\I ,J. 'l'a,\ lo!'. l 1·s. W. II. Barber . liss Mary Ervin. .\In;. W. R. l\Ic('h(~snry. .\frs. rn. C. Og·l Pslwl'. "i'.Ji·~- W. E . Putt .
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