Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GAVELYTE. 21 Senior History The cla of 1911 is compo ed of six member . 1r. .Robert ,'v. Ustick, pre ident of the clas , entered college in HW4, but has not been permitted to attend regularly every year, which account for his not completing his work in a fewer number of years. Mr. John tewart and Miss Florence Williamson entered in 1905, JUr. tewart in the preparatory department and Miss Williamson as a Fre hman, having graduated from Cedarville High School in May, 1905. Instead of completing her course in four con ecutive year , Mi s William on taught in one of the town hip schools for two year , re-entering col1P..9'P l'I<:: a Soph– omore in 190 . Since that time she ha held the position of Instructor in Algebra in the preparatory department of the colleg,e. Mi Jo ephine Orr and Mi Lydia Turnbull entered college a senior preparatory tudents in September 1906, one from Cedarville High chool , the other from Xenia High School. Mi s Bertha tormont graduated from darville High School in 1907, entering college in September of the same year. During her S nior year he has held the po ition of Instructor of Latin. All the girl of the class have been inter,e ted in Athletic at ome time or other during their college work. Miss Orr wa cho en 1 aptain of the Girl ' Ba ket Ball Team for the year 'O and '09, 1:i Stormont for the year '09 and '10. Mi Turnbull during her two y ars in Bask t Ball l1eld a position a guard on the fir t team and first cE'nter on tbe hampion hip team of 1910-11. Mr.• 't wart and fr. tick are both mu ician Ii s il]iam on play d of note. In the int r- society contest three member of th cla. s wer conte tant Ir. 'tev, 1 art, Philo \'Ocal soloi, t ; l\Jiss William on, Philo de laimer; and l\li Stormont. Pl1ilosophi · es.·ayi. t. Bertha tormont.
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